How to make Siddu ? Aunhtentic Himachali Siddu Recipe

Himachali cuisine is known for its simplicity and delightful flavors. From dishes like Madra and Babru to Challi ki Roti and Siddu, the food is uncomplicated yet incredibly delicious. We Himachalis take pride in our traditional feasts called “Dhams,” such as Kangri Dham, Mandiyali Dham, Bilaspuri Dham, and Hamirpuri Dham, renowned for their delectable taste. Today, let’s delve into a beloved dish called Siddu, which holds a special place in Himachali homes and is cooked with great fondness.

Siddu is a traditional and famous recipe from Himachal Pradesh, particularly enjoyed in the upper areas such as Kullu, Mandi, Shimla, Sirmour, Kinnaur, and Lahaul Spiti. It holds cultural significance and is often served as a gesture of respect to guests during local fairs and festivals, known as jaatars.

Siddu is a steamed dish made from wheat flour, and it is both delicious and highly nutritious. It can be prepared as plain Siddu or with various fillings. One popular variation is with walnut filling, which is widely appreciated by people in Himachal.

Traditionally Siddus are served with ghee, you can also serve them with different kinds of spicy  chutneys.

Today, we will share a  Himachali Siddu recipe with a special stuffing of Urad Dal.

How To make Siddu 

Making Himachali Siddu is a straightforward process that can be easily accomplished at home. The ingredients required are typically found in 95% of Indian households, so there’s no need for any fancy or exotic ingredients.

Himachali Siddu

Authentic Himachali Siddu Recipe

You need following ingredients 

For the dough:

– 2 cups of flour  (250 grams) 

– 1 teaspoon of active dry yeast

– 2-3 tablespoons of ghee

For the stuffing:

– 1/2 cup of Urad Dal (without skin)

– 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder

– 1 teaspoon of coriander powder

– 1/2 teaspoon of red chili powder

– 2-3 finely chopped green chilies

– 1 small piece of grated ginger

– 2-3 tablespoons of finely chopped green coriander

– 1/2 pinch of asafoetida (heeng)

– Salt as per taste

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How to make dough for cooking Himachali Siddu 

  1. Take a bowl and add 2 cups of flour to it.
  2. Mix in 2 teaspoons of ghee, 1 teaspoon of active dry yeast, and 1/2 teaspoon of salt with the flour.
  3. Gradually add warm water to the flour mixture while kneading it, similar to how you knead dough for chapatis..
  4. Knead the dough for about 3-4 minutes to make it soft and pliable.
  5. After thorough kneading, the dough should be ready.
  6. After the dough has swelled well, lightly grease it with ghee, cover it, and let it rest for 1 ½ to 2 hours until it is set and ready.
Himachali Siddu
Dough for Siddu

Preparing the Urad Dal stuffing 

Drain any excess water from the soaked Urad Dal. Grind the dal coarsely in a mixer jar.

 Transfer the ground lentils to a bowl. Add a little more than 1 teaspoon of salt, along with red chili powder, grated ginger, finely chopped green chilies, turmeric powder,                           asafoetida, coriander powder, and a little green coriander. Mix all the ingredients well.

Mix the ingredients well

The dough should now be well-swollen. Slightly mash the dough and divide it into smaller portions to make balls. This quantity of dough can make around four balls.

Take one dough ball, mash it slightly, and shape it into a round ball. Flatten it and dust it with dry flour. Place it on a plate.

Make a shape like this from dough balls

Roll out the flattened dough into a slightly thick oval shape. Place 2-3 tablespoons of the prepared stuffing on one side of the oval shape.


Lift the other side of the dough and bring it over the stuffing, giving it a crescent shape. You can fold the edges to seal it, similar to the shape of gujiya. Alternatively, you can leave the edges plain if desired.

You can make any shape you like

Place them on a plate, and repeat the process with the remaining dough and stuffing to make the rest of the balls.

To cook the Siddu, steam them. Take a momos steamer and add 2 to 2 ½ cups of water for steaming. Cover the utensil and bring the water to a boil over high heat.

Grease  momo steamer with ghee or oil. Once the water starts boiling, place the steamer on top of the boiled water. Arrange the Siddus in the steamer and cover it. Steam them for 18 to 20 minutes over medium-high heat.

Place Siddus gently

After 20 minutes, check if they are cooked. Turn off the heat and remove the steamer from gas burner.  Transfer them to a plate and apply some ghee on them.

Siddus are Ready

They are now ready to be served. Cut them into pieces and serve them hot. You will surely enjoy their delicious taste!

Some Tips 

 Avoid using water to grind the lentils.

Adjust the amount of spices in the lentil stuffing according to your taste.

Avoid using water to grind the lentils. You can choose to knead the dough with or without ghee, as per your preference.

Alternatively, you can use ginger paste instead of grated ginger.

Feel free to experiment with other fillings such as peanuts, walnuts or mixed vegetables.

You have the option to serve siddus with either chutneys or ghee, depending on your preference. Another delightful choice is to stuff siddus with a sweet filling like Shakkar mixed walnut stuffing. Sweet siddus also offer a delicious taste. The assortment of siddus allows you to present your guests with a unique variation on each occasion.

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What is Siddu Aata Made Of ?

You can use simple wheat flour.

How do you eat Siddu ?

You can eat Siddu with chutneys or Ghee

What does Siddu taste like?

They taste like any normal Indian bread. Different stuffings add to its taste.

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